It is now very easy to design a special product for yourself on our website. You can make and see your own design on the product very quickly.

You can complete the design and create your order easily in just a few steps.You can create your order as follows:

Step 1: Enter the designing page on our website and choose the product you want to design.

Step 2: Choose a ready-made design, your own logo, text or the number on the selected product.

Step 3: Encolour the products you choose as you wish.

Step 4: Check your design and complete your order.

Step 5: Finally, let us get your design into manufacture as quickly as possible

Some Tips We Can Give You For The Best Design

 Set your print color: Even it may seem like a simple step, color selection is very important. Sometimes we think that lots of mixed colors on your desing would be beautiful but it may cause a worse result. In addition, prints with the simple colors will have more reasonable prices.

Make Your Contrast Color Choices: After determining the product color, it is very important to choose the print color. The colors which are contrast with each other are always be attractive. It’s like choosing the color white over black or yellow over blue.

 Try Our Design Tools: You can create perfect designs with the help of design tools we have prepared for you. Designs prepared with different colors will take your product to a different dimension.

Catch a Different Mood with Bow (Yay) Texts: You can prepare remarkable writings with bow texts. You can reflect your style with texts that have a certain angle or have different letter sizes.

 Go Beyond Your Standard Logo: With our design team, you can make your standard logo quite different. Even the slightest change you make on the logo may give a remarkable atmosphere to your logo.

 Attract Attention with One Color: A single-color text can sometimes be more attractive than text with multiple colors. A text that has a contrast color to the product will attract attention.

 Use Multiple Designing Options: You don’t have to print a single print on the product. You can fill your product with multiple prints.

Upload Your Own Print Files: You can add your own design to the print file. Our website is suitable for uploading print files of certain formats:

These print files are:

  • JPG
  • TIF
  • JPEG
  • EPS
  • PSD
  • AI
  • PNG
  • PDF
  • GIF
  • DOC
  • XLS
  • PPT
  • BMP

If you face  with any problems while adding the design file, you can contact us on our live support line.


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